American Period Room at the MET, 5x7"- gouache on board-2024
Alex Katz at the Guggenheim, 5x7", gouache on panel, 2024
At the Frick with Nicolas Party and Rosalba Carrera- 5x7"- gouache on panel- 2024
Timeless- 5x7"- gouache on board- 2024
The Yellow couch- 5x7"- gouache on board-2024
Margaret's garden, 5x7", gouache on board, 2022
Miami light, 5x7" gouache on board, 2022
Study for Artist Studio, 7x5", gouache on board, 2021
Study for Bountiful, 5x7", gouache on board, 2020
Salon en Casa Hyder, San Miguel de Allende, 5x7", gouache on board, 2019
Cornucopia in Casa Hyder, Mexico, 5x7", gouache on board, 2021
Tribute to the Toreador, 7x5", goauche on board, 2020
Double wedding, 7x5", gouache on board, 2020
Mis Plantas, 7x5", gouache on board, 2020
Cactus Garden, Mexico, 5x7", gouache on board, 2022
Wild scene in the blue and red kitchen, 7x5" 2011
Morning light in Schohaire County, 5x7", gouache on board, 2023
A Sunnyside treasure, Queens, NY, 5x7", gouache on board, 2013
Den in San Juan, Costa Rica, 5x7", gouache on board, 2013
Tropical comfort, 5x7", gouache on board, 2022
Ancestors, 5x7", gouache on board, 2017
One of a kind, 7 x 5", gouache on board, 2012,2023
Refuge in the Upper East Side, 5x7", gouache on board, 2012
Refractions, 5x7", gouache on board, 2006, 2023
Comfort, Fazenda Santa Marina, Brazil, 7x5" gouache on board, 2011
Fazenda Santa Marina, Minas Gerais, Brazil, 7x5", gouache on board, 2010
Judges Court, Pragpur, India, 5x7" gouache on board, 2010
Sunroom at Judges Court, Pragpur, India, 7x5", gouache on board, 2011
Porch at Judges Couurt, Pragpur, India, 5x7", gouache on board, 2010
The Red Couch at Judges Court, Pargpur, India, 5x7", 2010
New Orleans flair, 7x5", gouache on board, 2001
Bathed in Orange, New Orleans, 5x7", gouache on board, 2001
Formal sitting room at Woodchuck Knoll, 5x7", 2001
Pink Sofas, 5x7" gouache on board, 2001
Sweedish overtone, 5x7", gouche on board, 2015-23
Faith's sitting room, Vermont, 5x7", gouache on board, 2014
Initiation, 5x7", gouache on board, 2001
Linoleum Green, 5x7", gouache on board, 2003
The Porch, 5 x 7", gouache on board, 2002
Matisse in the room, 5 x 7", gouache on board, 2005
Barbado's Flair, 5x7", gouache on board, 2003